Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Nobel Prize in Physics

On October 21, 1833, Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He wanted to be a poet, but his father insisted he study engineering. Nobel would eventually go on to develop ways to use nitroglycerine as an explosive, leading to the creation of dynamite. It made him a very rich man. It also explains why you never screw with a poet.

On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, donating the largest share of his fortune to charity to create a series of prizes - what are today known as the Nobel Prizes. One of those prizes was dedicated to "the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics."

On April 24, 2010, our middle son, Kekoa Bicoy, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Well, at least according to his brothers and sisters.

In the eyes of his siblings, Kekoa earned this accolade for his incredible work constructing the world's first umbrella and snow sled fort.

Here is Kekoa, in the green sweatshirt, directing the fort's construction based on his theories...

And here's the finished product...

It was so exciting that his big sister Alyssa captured the construction crew singing the praises of Kekoa's design...

Congratulations Kekoa!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

David the Juggler

Two videos of our teenage son David juggling at his grandparent's house...

And here's the big finale...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

The New Easter Look: Bicoy Style 2010

I have to admit it. My girls are trendsetters.

They have a style unlike anyone else, and they're not afraid to show it.

Just consider their "Easter Look" for this year.

Here's Alyssa either showing us the trendiest head slap...

Or she's trying to cover a pimple on her forehead.

Nalani is always there with a smile...

What a happy girl!

For some reason, in our home the Easter Bunny thinks he's Santa Claus Lite. That's the only explanation for his insisting on bringing our children presents.

For Alyssa, her style revolved around receiving the "best pens ever..."

And Nalani was excited to get a new notebook, which she quickly marked as hers in her own unique and stylish way...

But of all the styles this Easter morning, none got quite into the groove as our little Miss Malia...

You go girl!

Happy Easter from the Bicoys.