And as is characteristic of this most gluttonous of boys, he has to do it twice!
First, on the actual anniversary of his birth, our family gathered to sing this little boy a happy birthday song...

Followed shortly thereafter by Bretty leading his brothers and sisters in a cheer for himself...

But as the weekend rolled around, we had to celebrate a second time as some 15 kids or so gathered in our kitchen...

Thankfully, the Cowboys play on Monday night, so a party this Sunday was acceptable.
The kids crowded around Bretty as he opened his presents...

Then we sent them on a mystery as they followed clues inside and outside the house the house...

But the best part was the pinata. We let the younger kids like Malia just go at it...

And even Nalani got in on the fun...

But the older kids had to wear a blindfold like Bretty...

And when it finally broke open, everyone attacked the ground...

And so goes another exciting birthday in the Bicoy home.
Of course, when I went upstairs to our bedroom to change the batteries in the camera, it became clear that not everyone considered it a particularly exciting day...

Happy Birthday Bretty!