Friday, January 19, 2007

Ever Google Yourself?

If you're looking for the 2006 edition of the Bicoy Beacon, click on this banner...

Maybe we're weird, but I'm pretty sure that most people probably google their own name from time to time. If you haven't tried it, just go ahead and try because you'll find your name turning up in some very unusual places.

There's an old public radio interview I did on KNPR from a few years ago that is still available online (yeah, I'm sure that's in high demand).

You can find a information about my lovely wife's Las Vegas Women's Book Club which she founded -- feel free to join in if you're in Southern Nevada (and a woman, I guess).

There's even a very tiny picture of our entire family available in cyberspace.

There are lots of old newspaper articles and places we'd worked in years past. Then there is this one site that crawls the web to create a summary of your past which can be kind of freaky when you see all the detail.

But today, we not only discovered the name of our oldest child online, it appears that she has been playing with the webcam downstairs and posted a few videos some time in March, 2006.

Here they are, in all their glory...

Yes, those really are our children.