Friday, November 28, 2008

Only God Can Make a Tree...

This is deer hunting season in Wisconsin. It's that time of year when some 600,000 heavily armed people walk through the woods and shoot at Bambi.

That's a heck of a lot of bullets flying around over a two week period.

So what do we do?

We decide to take a walk through the woods to find our Christmas Tree...

Here are the kids posing among the trees and dodging bullets...

Goofing around was the norm, as usual...

Lots of discussion ensued as to what characterized the perfect Christmas Tree...

But amidst our confusion and indecision, a light broke through the clouds, almost as if a divine path was being lit to the perfect Christmas Tree...

We finally found it.

It was perfect.

It was beautiful.

To quote a few stanzas from the poet Alfred Joyce Kilmer:

I think I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree.

Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree.

We finally found our most perfect Christmas Tree.

Made by God himself.

So we chopped it down and killed it.

And as we loaded our dying tree it in the van, we passed this sign...

According to my calculations, killing our tree means that seven people will suffocate tonight.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Very Scary Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Malia! Our youngest daughter recently celebrated her 5th birthday.

Yes, our youngest is 5!

And in what is becoming a trend among our children, Malia wanted to "build a bear" from scratch.

So meet Malia and her bear just before stuffing...

Looks kinda like the skin of a dead animal!

Here's Malia and the finished animal, Flower Rose Bicoy...

Of course, Malia's birthday is also a day of trick or treating.

And since we live in Green Bay, it's only natural for Kekoa to dress up as a footballplayer...

And Nalani as a football cheerleader...

How 'bout dem Cowboys!

And when it comes to carving pumpkins, there are a lot of them in our home...


Happy Halloween!

Another scary birthday party for Malia!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ideas to Lower Your Child Care Costs!

Times are getting out there and we're all looking for creative ideas that might save us a few dollars. Here's an innovative new way to deal with the ever escalating costs of child care...

We're glad to be of help!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dredging Up the Garbage...

If there was anything that really disturbed me during this past election, it was how some folks would take the truth - then twist and contort it until the "facts" they reported really were nothing of the sort.

It got so bad that this is what I looked for the day after the election...

Just a wee bit over the top, don't you think?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Obama no ka oi...

There are lots of reasons people like Barack Obama, but this has to be the coolest from my perspective...

It cracks me up because that looks like every one of my elementary school pictures from the 1970s. Lots of ridiculously bright Hawaiian shirts and muumuus. It was the standard school picture attire for a generation.

Gotta love growing up in Hawaii.

Anyway, as everybody knows, election night was just a few days ago and we spent it at the coordinated party for Democrats in the Green Bay area. We were there to celebrate the re-election of Cari's Dad by a whopping margin of 2:1 - something unheard of for a Democrat in this battleground part of Wisconsin...

The real suspense of the evening, though, was the race for the Presidency of course.

Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton (whom we're big fans of and have known for many years) took to the podium where she pulled up our kids to emphasize that the election was about the nation's future...

It was a crazy night, although David wasn't too interested in joining in the party...

And apparently Nalani and Malia partied themselves out...

Here's our family's version of Barack's logo...

Obama no ka oi!