Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dressing Up for Malia's Birthday

All week long I've been telling the kids that I had picked out the scariest costume of all time.

When Cari and I came home from the Halloween store last weekend, we made all the kids cover their eyes while I ran upstairs to hide my costume.

This was going to be scary.

The kids kept trying to guess what I was going to wear -- each coming up with a more terrifying idea than the other.

So with All Hallow's Eve upon us, we told the kids that it was finally time for them to see the scariest, most freaky costume they had ever seen.

Cari had them all line up in the living room as I stayed hidden in the downstairs bathroom waiting to jump out on all of them. She set herself up with the camera ready to capture the moment.

Here's the first picture immediately after I screamed and emerged from the bathroom...

I screamed even more and began to rumble over in their direction...

I walked slowly, as if taking my first steps...

And goo goo'ed and gaa gaa'ed up to them...

As my kids met the world's biggest baby...

Welcome to Halloween in the Bicoy home...

Even Cari got in on the act, dressing up herself...

Of course, Halloween is nice, but we kept telling Malia that everyone is dressing up for her. As some may recall, this also happens to be the birthday of our littlest girl. Malia was late in arriving and so the doctor gave Cari a choice as to when labor would be induced.

Ever the patient one, Cari wanted it immediately, and thus, our littlest girl was born on Halloween instead of All Saint's Day!

Oh well, Malia is glad everyone dresses up for her birthday...

And after all the candy, she still gets all the presents on her birthday...

Perhaps for Malia (and her big sister Nalani), a piggy back ride was the best part of this day...

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Halloween Festival

Although Halloween is still just a few days away, this Saturday marked a Halloween Festival at the boy's elementary school filled with games and other activities.

Here's Bretty with a beanbag toss into the various orifices of a ghost...

Of course, Bretty noted that if it really were a ghost, then the bean bag would fly right through it no matter if it went through its eyes or not.

Hmmm, good point.

And in the great Halloween/The Price is Right tradition, Kekoa played his school's version of Plinko (complete with one of Bob Barker's girls standing by -- although it appears that old Bob is liking them pretty young these days...)

David played a demon, so he had to throw rats -- lots and lots of rats -- into a pot.

As you can see from the picture above, it seems like the entire school turned out for this day of Halloween celebration. Many of the kids dressed up in classic costumes that you've seen many years before.

There were Cinderellas everywhere. Along with her newer version -- Belle from "Beauty in the Beast." Butterflies, fairies, and princesses were also among the most common.

The boys had their tradition favorites as well, with things like cowboys, soldiers, football players and lots of versions of scary monsters.

Even the more modern costumes were what you would expect and enjoy.

Buzz Lightyear. Mr. Incredible. Power Rangers.

But then, times are changing a little bit.

Consider this little girl apparently whose dream it was to dress up this Halloween as a hooker...

And this boy, who always wanted to be her pimp...

Ah, times they are a'changing.

Oh, and their faces were obscured because we don't pick on little kids then post their pictures on the internet (unless they're our kids, of course).

But then I have no qualms about posting this guy's picture. I initially thought was wearing a costume dressed as Elvis. Then I looked more closely, and I swear, this is just how he dresses...

It's blurry because I had to snap the picture pretty quickly!

Ah, Halloween is almost upon us. Here's David as a demon...

Bretty as a monster...

Kekoa as a muscular Power Ranger...

And Malia as a flying unicorn and Nalani as a spider...

Then there's Alyssa...

She was dressed up as a slovenly teenager who spends all day sitting on her bed messaging her friends in her messy room.

Thank goodness she only pretends to be that on Halloween and isn't like that all year long.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Gotta Dance!

Gotta Dance!

Gotta Dance!

(With apologies to Gene Kelly, our little girl Nalani is just singing in the rain...)

Gotta Dance!

Okay, maybe she's not singing, but she's definitely dancing!

Nalani has been taking dance classes every week for some time now, but most of the sessions only allow parents to peek through the glass door to the lobby. It appears that some kids behave better when their parents are out of the room -- go figure. Anyway, today the class opened up for parents to watch their adorable little girls.

The class begins with stretching, of course, complete with each girl performing a split.

Well, almost...

The first part of the class consists mostly of jazz and ballet...

Then they need to switch to tap shoes.


Because they gotta dance!

The instructor told the little girls that they were to put "glue" on their hands and stick them to their hips. But then she had to go out of the room for a second and chaos reigned supreme.

Well, almost.

Look at our little girl with her back to the camera the second from the right...

Yep, she's the only one whose hand remained "glued" to her hips because that's what her teacher told her to do.

What a terrific little girl!

Finally, to end the class, they danced with ribbons and Nalani even dragged Cari into the act...

While Daddy remained on his rear end...

And Nalani being the wonderful little girl that she is, she even shared her Halloween candy with her little sister Malia...

Gotta dance!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Bretty, Times Two

This week marked the 8th birthday of Bret Jr.

And as is characteristic of this most gluttonous of boys, he has to do it twice!

First, on the actual anniversary of his birth, our family gathered to sing this little boy a happy birthday song...

Followed shortly thereafter by Bretty leading his brothers and sisters in a cheer for himself...

But as the weekend rolled around, we had to celebrate a second time as some 15 kids or so gathered in our kitchen...

Thankfully, the Cowboys play on Monday night, so a party this Sunday was acceptable.

The kids crowded around Bretty as he opened his presents...

Then we sent them on a mystery as they followed clues inside and outside the house the house...

But the best part was the pinata. We let the younger kids like Malia just go at it...

And even Nalani got in on the fun...

But the older kids had to wear a blindfold like Bretty...

And when it finally broke open, everyone attacked the ground...

And so goes another exciting birthday in the Bicoy home.

Of course, when I went upstairs to our bedroom to change the batteries in the camera, it became clear that not everyone considered it a particularly exciting day...

Happy Birthday Bretty!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Week Without Mommy...

We could also title this post, "Little Girls Take Over the Community Foundation."

Last week my lovely wife Cari unexpectedly had to head off to Green Bay, Wisconsin and that left me as a single dad with six kids.

And since we didn't have any time to make other plans, the littlest two of our children spent the week following me everywhere -- including spending many a day hanging out at the Nevada Community Foundation.

Sometimes, it wasn't the least bit disruptive, such as when they sat around in my office and colored...

Other times they were downright adorable, such as when Nalani put on my Cowboy hat and Malia wore a Packer hard hat...

Then there were the times when I walked down the hall only to return to find that they had decided to take over my desk...

Quite honestly, while I intellectually understood what my lovely wife did all day, physically and emotionally, well, that was quite an education.

The day would begin at 5:45 a.m. to get Alyssa off to school -- then it was the boys to their school -- then go in to the office -- only to take a break a few hours later to take the little girls out to lunch -- to picking up Alyssa at her school -- then picking up the boys.

There are breakfasts, dinners, feeding the animals, taking the dog out, doing dishes, overseeing the kids as they pick up the house, bath time, laundry, bed time.

The day never seems to end!

I'm not sure who was happier to see Cari return -- a tired me or six kids who were tired of me.

Well, we were all quite happy and decorated the house with cray paper for Cari's arrival...

We made a nice little poster...

And created a wall of celebration for Cari...

Here are just a few of the examples of the pictures on the wall. Everyone drew a series of pictures which shared this...

Nalani started to draw a pizza, but then decided that she missed Mommy's eggplant...

Kekoa liked Mommy's cold lunches from home (their lazy Daddy made the boys buy a hot lunch every day)...

Alyssa decided to score a few brownie points with her Mommy by saying how much she missed her smile...

Only to be trumped by David who missed his Mommy kissing him goodnight...

But Bretty's was proof positive that these kids are not just clones of their Dad...

Bretty missed his Mommy telling him to eat breakfast.

In other words, this kid needs to be told to eat.

Clearly, there are some ways in which he is nothing like me!