Saturday, January 28, 2006

We're not THAT old...

It was 18 years ago that I first walked onto the campus of Tufts University.

That doesn't make me that old, does it?

I'm currently in Arizona for a series of community foundation meetings and I had the opportunity to visit with a very old friend from Tufts...

Matt Goode and his wife Deb.

We were sitting in the lounge after dinner and I noticed Matt was playing with his hands. It then came rushing back to memory that Matt is the guy who taught me to twiddle my thumbs.

As Matt said to me this evening after seeing that I had truly mastered both the forward and backward twiddle, "You have learned well, grasshopper."

My journey to perfect the spiritual and mystic mystery of the twiddling thumb has come to an end.

Seriously, though, I had heard the expression of "twiddling your thumbs," but it wasn't until I saw Matt doing it at lunch one day that I actually understood what that meant. I don't think I told him at the time, though, because I didn't want anyone to know that I was this dink from Hawaii who didn't know anything about big city thumb twiddling.

Needless to say, Matt was a slightly more serious student than I was.

Here's a picture of the two of us in front of the restaurant where we sampled an Archetype Shiraz, a very nice bottle of wine. Maybe not as good as the Marietta Wine Cellars stuff that our friend Jen Bevins liked so much, but hey, ya gotta start somewhere.