Saturday, February 25, 2006

Are You Ready for Some Football?!

Who needs the NFL?

Welcome to NYS Football!

Our son Bretty plays for the Bobcats and has been practicing three days a week for over two hours a day for the last month. On a beautiful, sunny 71 degree day, so began the regular season. And Bretty couldn't wait to run out there...

Here he is on the kickoff return team to start the game...

Bretty was originally going to play offensive guard, but during a recent practice Bretty had a particularly good day laying a hit on someone. Assistant Coach Price pointed at him and said, "defense."

The Bobcats scored and Bretty finally got his chance to line up. The good news is that his favorite color is red so he wore a red long sleeved shirt under his jersey. He was the only one with red sleeves so he's really easy to spot. Here Bretty is in a three-point stance at left tackle...

Look at him drive his man back at the right side of this picture...

And though it's hard to tell, Bretty is the man on the left (number 22, like Emmit Smith) gang tackling the ball carrier.

At halftime they all looked tired but listened intently to the coaches...

While the rest of the Bicoy clan found other ways to occupy themselves...

Malia found David's Archie comic book just too much to ignore...

But then game went on. Just look at Bretty engage his man...

And at the end, the celebration began...

The Bobcats won their first game, 27 to 12.

The coaches told them to enjoy it until Tuesday, but then it's back to work for next Saturday's game.

Who misses the NFL? Well, fantasy football, maybe.