Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Perfect Birthday Gift for Kekoa!

Exactly 6 years ago today my lovely wife Cari decided she wanted to have 6 children.

I remember the moment very, very well.

Inevitably, after the birth of each our children, Cari would conclude that she wanted another. Usually it took a few days, but at some point or another in the week following a birth, Cari would announce that she's ready to have another baby.

Well, 6 years ago today, Cari experienced the easiest labor she ever had with the birth of Kekoa James. It went really, really fast.

And as I so clearly recall, it was less than 10 minutes after Kekoa had entered this world that Cari announced that she wanted not just another another child, but 2 more children.

See, Kekoa James has been a wonderfully easy child to be with from the very start!

Here is everyone as we're about to begin singing Happy Birthday...

One of the greatest things about Kekoa is how excited he gets over everything in life.

His main gift today was a Gameboy Advance SP, and boy, was he happy...

His brothers and sisters picked out a classic Mario Brothers game for him and he was literally jumping up with joy...

Of course, for Kekoa, probably the best thing about his birthday was that it made him the center of the universe.

For him, that means everyone wanted to watch him play with his new Gameboy...

Here he is leading Mario to defeat the evil dragon Bowser...

Happy Birthday Kekoa...

What a wonderful little boy!