Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Twas the Morning After the Night Before Christmas

With apologies to C. Clement Moore, we now present

Twas the Morning After
the Night Before Christmas

Twas the morning after the night before Christmas and all through our house

many a creature was stirring, none anywhere near as quiet as a mouse...

The children all gathered 'round the chimney with care as if on a mission

Until they realized a TV yule log won't warm, even in high definition...

Only hours ago we had settled in for a long winter's nap which passed in a blink

Now with me in my 'kerchief, and Momma admiring her new Dallas jersey of pink...

We messed with the head of our eldest child presenting her a box too heavy to lift

As we wrapped 15 pounds of weights to disguise her her digital camera of a gift...

After all was opened up we spent four more hours on this matter

Putting together umpteen toys created an unbelievable clatter...

Now Alyssa, now David, now Bretty and Kekoa don't sit

On Nalani, on Malia, on with another new Christmas outfit...

And so ended a very long day, but Nalani was too tired to shout with all of her might

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night...

Happy Holidays!