Okay, with eight people living in our house, maybe that's not all that unusual an occurance. But our son Bretty is excited because his birthday only comes once a year!
As you'll see in the video, Bretty is very quick to remind us exactly whose birthday it is...
Bretty got some of the typical birthday presents like a new bike...
And he really liked that his brothers and sisters wanted to get him this particular new game for the Wii...
He thinks "Big Brain" is the perfect game for him.
Cari does say that this little boy is a lot like his old man.
Well, there may be some truth to that because for his birthday we bought him his very own universal one of these...
Yes, that is my son's first remote control.
Goodness knows that a person shouldn't watch a single television show for more than a few minutes at a time. There is always something else you could be watching!
His first remote. Sniff.
My boy is done growed up.
Happy birthday Bretty!