Of all of our kids, only Nalani would manage to charm everyone into celebrating her birthday with a two day, four activity birthday celebration.
The first day's activity started with a visit to a strawberry farm...
Of course, since it was Nalani's birthday, a dirty ol' pair of jeans just wouldn't do.
Miss Nalani picks strawberries in style...
Unfortunately, much to Nalani's chagrin, the rest of us weren't going to get all gussied up to crawl in the dirt and pick strawberries...
Bretty had more fun putting that whole strawberry thing aside and just hung out with his cousin Tyler...
Later that same day we also had to have the birthday party, complete with a strawberry cake...
She loved most of her presents, but we all were a bit disturbed when she unwrapped the Cabbage Patch doll...
Of course, that was just day one.
Nalani wanted to make her own stuffed animal for a part of her birthday. So off to the mall we went so Nalani could pick out her very own animal skin...
I personally thought that skin was enough, but Nalani insisted upon stuffing it.
Then, because she's little Miss Nalani, her new stuffed friend needed some stylish new clothes...
Not many outfits to choose from, huh?
Well, meet Nalani's newest stuffed little pink friend...
That's Miss Nalani with Apple Kalei Bicoy.
Finally, birthday cakes with candles are fine for most folks, but not for Miss Nalani...
That, my friends, is a birthday cake filled with fireworks...
Happy Birthday little Miss Nalani!