I love shopping for them. I love trying them on. I love buying them.
I'm not particularly fond of baseball caps, mind you, but almost every other kind of hat.
Somewhat oddly, however, I don't wear them that often.
But my children most certainly do.
In their mind, there is no place where it is inappropriate to wear one of their wonderful hats.
Consider my son Bret Jr., who recently wore his red fedora to the groundbreaking of his cousin's memorial garden...
In the picture above, that's United States Congressman Steve Kagan giving my son Bret a fist bump because even he thought that hat was so very cool.
But of all my kids, the true hatmaster is David.
He has more hats than all my other children combined (and that's saying something).
Here David is in his top hat...
David wears a different hat from his collection every day.
So you can imagine his excitement when we visited Fish Creek not too long ago and stopped at their wonderful hat store...
It seemed like David tried on every hat in the store.
Ultimately, it came down to whether he wanted to be Gilligan...
Or Sherlock Holmes...
He picked Sherlock in case you were wondering.
The other kids just had fun trying them on. There's Nalani as a Arabian princess...
Inspector Alyssa...
I'm not sure what this thing is on Nalani's head...
And Alyssa trying on what in college we used to call a granola hat...
While Alyssa didn't buy the hat, she did demostrate her true tree-hugging credentials by picking out a granola pullover...
At least there's purple in it.
That's my daughter the vegetarian.
Of course, when it comes to such things I cannot help but wonder. If God intended us to be vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat?
On the way back from Fish Creek, we also took some time to go through a giant corn maze...
If you look carefully in the center-left of the picture below, you can see the heads of a couple of my kids as they make their way through the maze...
And once we were home, the younger kids still found things to do...
Another goofy weekend in the Bicoy house.