Saturday, April 16, 2005

An Easter Egg Mess

As like so many other families, we spend the night before Easter coloring eggs. Unlike most other families, however, our six children require the coloring of five or six dozen eggs.

That makes for one heck of an Easter egg hunt.

The story in our home is that we color the eggs then leave them out for the Easter Bunny who hides them overnight for everyone to search for on Easter morning. I think he got the idea from Santa or something.

It can be a mad dash in the house as all of the kids scramble to get as many eggs as they can, refusing to put them down until their arms are literally overflowing with eggs...

Of course, the baby, Malia, just loves walking around in circles and carrying her basket, no matter how many eggs she can find...

Nalani, in true Bicoy fashion, found an egg or two, then realized that the chocolate bunny in her basket required her immediate attention...

Actually, it was pretty smart of her. Let the boys finds the eggs while she sits and eats!

Ultimately, though, these still are eggs. Which means dropping them is a messy business.

Nobody told Malia that... she poured them out and her brother Kekoa just watched, of course. Why interrupt what is sure to be a big mess!