Thursday, September 08, 2005

An Underwater Adventure!

My lovely wife Cari has an extraordinary number of exceptional qualities, but unfortunately being comfortable in water in not one of them.

Such was the case with each our six children. Every time we stayed in a hotel with a pool or otherwise went swimming, they enjoyed themselves but basically they still were, well, terrified of the water.

Dunk your head? No thank you.

Open your eyes underwater. Never happen.

Nalani is demonstrating as far as most of my terrific kids would get into the water...

Well, give our kids a mere three weeks in a house with a pool and I do believe they have become fish.

Consider our youngest boy Kekoa -- who three weeks ago barely would stick his feet in the water. And look at him now...

We bought an underwater camera and the kids kept trying to one-up each other as to who could convince me to take their picture most often underwater.

Here's my Vulcan son David...

And my boy Bretty waving hello...

What's really neat, however, is not just that they dunk their heads, but are really learning to swim through the water as David and Alyssa are doing here...

We kept trying to get our four oldest kids to pose together at the same time, but even after a dozen dunks, we couldn't do it. So here are Kekoa, Alyssa and David underwater...

Followed by Bretty, Alyssa, and David...

And here's my baby Malia with her lovely mother. Notice how Cari is joining right in there with the kids swimming underwater...

Hey, she's smart, sexy, charming, a terrific mom and a great cook. You don't need to do any of those things underwater!