Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter to All, and to All a Good Night...

The tradition in our home is to color lots (and with six kids, we do mean lots) of eggs the night before Easter. That way the Easter Bunny can visit us in the wee hours of the morning and hide all the eggs.

That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Of course, this also means there is an absolute frenzy on Easter morning as the kids tear through the house at some very early morning hour...

While we appreciate his efforts, the Easter Bunny could have been a bit more sanitary than to put easter eggs in and around the bathroom toilet and sink...

But hey, he is just a bunny.

Alyssa isn't too excited about searching for eggs anymore, so she just bundled up on the couch (even though the temperature today was 86 degrees) and watched...

Unfortunately, her brothers realized that the Easter Bunny put a few eggs on the window sill behind her and so they swarmed all over her...

In addition to hiding the eggs, the Easter Bunny also fills the kids' baskets with candies and a book or magazine of their very own...

Now, both Cari's and my extended family are very Catholic, but apparently nobody told the Easter Bunny. Just look at the reading materials he put in my and Alyssa's baskets, respectively...

There was so much candy you'd have thought it was Halloween...

And if our mouths weren't stuffed enough, we all went out for an early lunch...

Although Alyssa kept getting interrupted by text messages from all her friends...

Nothing was going to disrupt Malia, however. As usual, she dove into this day with all her energy and vigor...

But when her tank is empty, she just plops down and comes to a complete stop...

And to quote from that famous Easter poem...

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Easter to all, and to all a good night."