But imagine having to endure sitting through 134 excruciating minutes of something people generously call "dancing" performed by gaggles of really short people surrounded by an audience of shrieking parents.
That was our Saturday as we attended the annual dance showcase at the Cashman Center...
Thankfully, with the wonders of technology, I uploaded a few episodes of my favorite tv show "Scrubs" to my little T-Mobile Dash phone and discreetly watched television for a few hours. Of course, every few minutes my lovely wife elbowed me in the gut when I forgot where I was and laughed out loud. I'm sure there are some child dancers who will be forever scarred by the sounds of my laughter from the audience.
Then, near the end of the agonizingly long day, we were privileged to witness 120 seconds of the most beautiful and adorable performance known to humankind...
Ah, our little girl Nalani...
Okay, I admit it, her performance made the show not so difficult to endure after all.
(Plus, the episodes of "Scrubs" didn't hurt either).