Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Work Before the Vacation...

Three weeks in Hawaii.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it.

Of course, when you have six children, three terrific weeks in Hawaii aren't going to come easily. Ya gotta work for it.

Consider, 13 hours of travel time in and out of airports, security checkpoints, waiting rooms, car rental lines and lots of other great things to get to the three weeks in Hawaii.

And so began the trek to a few little islands in the middle of the pacific.

The great thing is that the kids were fascinated with the "idea" of an airplane. Consider that for weeks we had been telling the kids about how we were going to "fly into the sky" in an airplane.

Once upon a time, though, we pointed out to our littlest daughter Malia that the moon was also in the sky.

So when Malia stood looking out at the airplanes taking off...

She made the most obvious observation to a little girl.

"Daddy, plane fly to the moon."

Sure, Daddy said that they were both in the sky, so why not?

Of course, Malia knows exactly the best way to travel by plane...

The worst part about travelling isn't the flying, it's the waiting.

Time is ticking but you're not actually making any progress toward your goal.

Bretty made himself comfortable sitting in the Phoenix airport...

Although nothing would alleviate David's boredom...

But in a little while, we found ourselves on the flight to Honolulu.

Nalani decided mid-flight that she was going to be a "drawer person" when she grows up, which we finally decided was her way of saying "artist"...

Of course, everyone was overjoyed when we finally arrived.

Alyssa didn't even know it, but she was making her first "shaka" sign with her hand...

Everyone was up late laughing and playing, but in the morning things were a bit calmer (although not any quieter)...

Kekoa was the life of the party, talking to everyone non-stop, including Aunty Dawn...

Alyssa and Malia paused to enjoy the view...

People are arriving in Honolulu every day now from all over the country on their way to Molokai and the Bicoy Family Reunion. So this means that all sorts of folks are bunking down wherever their is open floor space at my parent's house.

With all this family around. With all this noise. With all new people to talk with and things to do. With the incredible view to admire...

How do our three boys awake on their first morning in Hawaii...

Nintendo and comic books.