Friday, March 27, 2009

Circling the Island

One of the great things about Hawaii is that folks here take something foreign, screw around with it a little bit, then come up a completely new take on it. Think of mochi ice cream or spam musubi.

Well, today I discovered a local Hawaii version of the "wrap" sandwich from the mainland.

Introducing the Korean Chicken Wrap...

I think there even may be a little kim chee in there.

Anyway, my wife has been bugging me that since I'm in Hawaii, I have to go to the beach.

Well, I will admit it publicly.

I don't like the beach.

I'm no big fan of sand, nor do I enjoy laying out in the hot sun. Really, when you think about it, there are far more entertaining things to be doing when laying on your back.

But to make my lovely wife happy, here I am at the beach...

That was about it.

Actually, I should note that while I do not enjoy the beach, I absolutely LOVE the water. When I was a younger man, I couldn't get enough of it.

My daughter Alyssa and I decided to drive around the island today and we found ourselves at the North Shore watching the local guys ride the waves at Sunset...

In my early 20s, when I was a much younger (and skinnier) man, I was working in Hawaii. At the end of about every other day I was in the water on my boogie board. Of course, more recently I just worry that they don't make a boogie board that is buoyant enough for me.

We drove through the North Shore, around Laie, through Kaneohe, Waimanalo, Makapu'u, Hawaii Kai, and everything in between. We often stopped to take pictures from the beach or to stop at a lookout. It was ridiculously windy all day and it was near high tide. That made for quite a spectacle at the Holona Blowhole...

For our non-Hawaii friends, the Blowhole is a former underwater molten lava tube that serves as a bit of a pipe, shooting water high in the air when the wave hits it just right.

Here's Alyssa enjoying the view...

Makapu'u was just like a picture postcard as usual...

So Alyssa and I posed for a picture...

It took something like a dozen takes before we got a picture in which Alyssa's hair wasn't blowing all over the place!

Coming back around Oahu, we were going to stop by the University of Hawaii because that is one of the places Alyssa is considering attending in the fall.

But since we were so close to my alma mater, we had to stop by Iolani School...

Speaking of people who didn't get into Iolani, in case you were wondering, Alyssa and I figured out where President Obama's $144 billion bailout of AIG went.

It's here, in Hawaii!

AIG Hawaii is giving everyone a $20 gift certificate for gas!

It must be some conspiracy by our President to benefit the people of his home state...

Hey, he's a Punahou graduate. You gotta cut the guy some slack.

Anyway, now to the real issue. Lunch.

Today it was a Zip Pac from Zippy's, eaten while looking out at the beach at Waimanalo...

For the uninitiated, a Zip Pac consists of one piece each of teriyaki, fried chicken, mahi mahi, and spam. All of that loving joy is then piled on top of rice covered in furikake.
