Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Boys Are Back in Town...

David Daniel, Kekoa James & Bret Nalani Jr.

Okay, maybe my boys have never been to Las Vegas before, so they couldn’t exactly be “back” – but that song was the anthem of the 1990s Dallas Cowboys when they won their 3rd, 4th & 5th Super Bowls and, well, that’s just something we should all remember from time to time (knocking the Packers out of the playoffs each of those years, by they way – a fact for which my lovely wife still holds me personally responsible).

Anyway, my three sons (I’m just flying with the cliché’s today, aren’t I?) are absolutely terrific boys in most every way – yet they are all so very different from one another. David Daniel is now in the second grade and doing very well at Cox Elementary School. Reading has finally clicked for him and he recently received a grade of 98 on his report card! He loves his comic books and the Captain Underpants series of books. David also recently received the “Good Citizen” award for his positive attitude in school. He must take after his daddy.

Bret Nalani, Jr., or Bretty as he likes to be called, started kindergarten this year also at Cox Elementary. He has taken to school like a fish to water (oops, another cliché) and enjoys it immensely. Bretty has breezed through the Easy Reader books the rest of his class is using so his teacher has recently begun assigning him more advanced materials for him. He has also made friends with a slightly older first grader who lives across the street. Bretty’s friend comes over to
play almost every afternoon and they have a grand old time. His friend likes playing with Bretty’s toys and Bretty enjoys telling him what to do. Seems like no matter where they grow up, Bicoy children always turn out to be Bicoy children. Oh joy.

More than anything else, Kekoa James enjoys hearing the sound of his own voice. This remarkably energetic 4 year-old has no interest in learning the concept of an “inside voice.” He loves playing games on the computer and gets along wonderfully with his sister Nalani – right up until the moment he decides not to get along wonderfully with his sister Nalani. Kekoa is a delightful little boy who brings great joy to our home and enthusiasm to everything he does.