Sunday, January 16, 2005

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

Malia & Nalani

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist a song title theme. Anyway, what can I say about our two delightful little girls? I could say they are delightful, but I already said that. So let me first tell you that Nalani Jayne is as girly a girl as a girl can be. When I travel out of town, I typically bring back small trinkets and gifts for each of the kids. It’s kind of an adventure for me to find things that match each of my kid’s unique personalities. For Nalani, I just stop at the first shoe store I find.

Seriously, this two year-old loves her shoes. She loves her “Snow White” dress. She loves dressing up and doing all those stereotypical things that characterize little girls! Clearly, Nalani differs from her older sister in that I cannot imagine she’ll ever have trouble finding the energy to go shopping.

Thankfully, Nalani’s personality includes a strong mothering instinct. She often insists on playing house with Kekoa as the daddy, her as the mommy, and Malia as the baby girl. She insists, literally.

As for Malia Clare, well, she is daddy’s little girl – and it’s Cari who told me to write that. Every day when I arrive home from work, it’s Malia who runs to the door to greet me. She is constantly grabbing on to my legs in an effort to get me to pick her up and often falls asleep sitting next to me on my big blue recliner.

It’s difficult to tell these things given that Malia is only the tender age of 1, but she is already using basic words which makes us think that she’s very bright and as much a talker as some of her older siblings. Oh boy!