Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Will the Real Alyssa Please Turn Around!

Ah, the wonders of a teenage daughter.

My lovely wife noticed that many of our pictures of Alyssa seem to look a lot like this...

Amazingly enough, Alyssa always seems to turn herself in exactly the right way to avoid having her picture taken.

Aha, a challenge has clearly been issued to her father!

So the quest began for the perfect picture of Alyssa.

But Alyssa wasn't going to give up quite that easily. She has developed a number of different methods to avoid the camera.

For instance, she has mastered the last second head turn...

If that doesn't work, she has more moves, of course.

Like the crouch and duck...

Or sometimes Alyssa must resort to some less exciting methods of ducking the camera.

Like the "talk to the hand" maneuver...

But after an incredibly determined day of sneaking around the corner to capture the perfect picture, we finally got it.

Here is our wonderful daughter Alyssa in all her glory...

Hee hee!

Maybe after seeing this she'll sit still for a real picture!